Master Yourself, Master Your Life
To master yourself is to be intentional about who you are. Be the master of your existence and life experience. You have an entelechy within you—an inherent force within guiding you to becoming who you’re meant to be. Although you have free will, it’s best to follow the entelechy guidance to connect more fully with your True Self.
Self-mastery is taking responsibility for your energy and your consciousness. Self-mastery is mastering your energy flow, who we are being in any given moment, and your focus on creating what comes most naturally to you. Be the director of your life on this elevated path or higher frequency living. Use your energy and consciousness to serve you. Master your mind. Focus your mind on your body. Focus the body, breath, and love to work together to guide your mind. Be the loving presence within. Always include this presence—as much as possible. It’s the core of you. Be connected to the vibrational frequency of loving presence often to become your True Self. Ideally, your True Self guides your mind—not your mind guiding your True Self.
Come to terms with being a creator. You can create what you want if you align and go deep within. Discover your truth and wisdom. Be your free and creative self. Be a creator creating –all the time; creating is a significant aspect of your life. You are always creating—relationships, opportunities, situations, wealth, health, joy, peace, love. In addition, you’re creating obstacles to grow into becoming a new version of you–a version that vibrates at a higher frequency. Be a creator of the highest good that you innately are. Be the master of who you’re becoming. Allow the universal flow to guide you on your way to become your True Self. Build the energetic circuits of becoming with intention and love.
You will master your life as you are becoming the master of you. The main concept to master your life is first feeling safe and secure in who you are. Your life is created at the same vibration of who you are being. Although you’re independent, you are also a unique and essential part of universal oneness. You’re on a unique life path as designed by your Soul. Align with your Soul–even identify primarily as your Soul. Honor your Soul and your physical self as the vehicle you’re using in this lifetime. You’re connected to your Soul as a loving presence and sense this connection most of the time. You are the universe since universal energy or quantum reality flows through you and enlivens you to become who you are meant to be. You recognize and live into being a Divine magnificent being expressing Divine love through your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. You feel grateful and blessed. You no longer respond to life; life responds to you.
If anyone is interested in spiritual guidance, please contact me at 551-500-5011 or