
Health Briefs true-self

Published on February 28th, 2025 | by Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.


Discovering Our True Self

In addition to starting off the new year with resolutions of losing weight, exercising more at the gym or beginning a radical healthy lifestyle by eating for nutrition rather than taste, consider tapping into our eternal essence and discovering what our true self wants in life—how it wants to grow and be more connected. To discover the ultimate desire of our soul in this life, we can meditate to discover these answers for ourself.

From a holistic viewpoint, it may be to establish harmonic and balanced relationships with our mind, body and spirit. The soul’s goal and strategy is to become one—mind, body and spirit. The usual way people live their lives is first and foremost through their mind. We are so focused on how our mind operates and guides us in life that we don’t really understand that there is a completely different version of ourselves that doesn’t agree with how the mind is guiding us.

If we could learn to dampen the loud, insistent, fear-based urgings from our minds, or egos, to actually hear the silent whisperings of our soul, we could go from living from fear to living from love. We could be more connected to the core of who we are and we would view the world through a completely new lens. We would be transmitting the energy of love all the time. We would release our fears, worries, anger and grief quite easily if love is our predominant focus.

The high vibrational frequency of love flowing within us and through us would dissolve the low vibrational frequencies of these emotions. Our level of consciousness would increase. We would be able to tap into a higher potential of life that is meant for us. We might even discover that our ladder of success is on the wrong wall. We may understand better how to align with what our soul needs for growth and evolution. Because our soul is ours forever, it becomes a most significant shift to align with it and know to evolve. This shift is the most significant thing we can do for our whole self to be complete and balanced.

For more information about Dr. Anne Deatly, author of Journey to True Self: Discover Your Divine Magnificence, call 201-925-1046, email Anne.Deatly@gmail.com, or visit DrAnneDeatly.com.

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