Acupuncture Eases Pain and Improves Mood, Sleep and Body Chemistry
We cannot eliminate stress from our lives, but we can learn to manage it. Acupuncture is very effective in reducing stress and stress-related conditions.
It is well documented that there is a strong connection between the mind and body, and clearly mental well-being is associated with physical well-being. Acupuncture helps restore the imbalances of neurotransmitters and hormones brought on by chronic stress and thus helps reduce the stress itself, as well as its harmful effects.
The modern scientific explanation is that the use of needles (or “needling”) stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the brain, spinal cord and muscles. These chemicals alter the experience of pain and also trigger the release of other chemicals, neurotransmitters and hormones that influence the body’s own internal regulating system.
Acupuncture reduces stress and stress-related conditions by modulating neurotransmitters and reducing stress hormones. The needles stimulate the secretion of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and decrease cortisol, one of the major stress hormones. In addition, acupuncture increases serotonin, dopamine and melatonin—neurotransmitters that help reduce pain, elevate mood, relax the body, improve sleep and create a feeling of overall well-being. During acupuncture treatments, patients feel extremely relaxed; afterward, the relaxation continues and often helps improve sleep. Multiple acupuncture treatments appear to regularly increase the secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones, a long-term benefit.
Acupuncture can be part of a doctor’s medical practice, although a licensed acupuncturist can provide services without being a health practitioner. Some medical professionals combine contemporary Western medicine with complementary techniques, such as acupuncture. Sometimes the best approach for difficult conditions, such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain or weight loss, includes both acupuncture treatments and modern medical treatment. This is what integrative medicine is all about. Many patients whose health has not improved through traditional medicine alone have turned to doctors that take an integrative approach.