
Health Briefs guiding-force

Published on September 30th, 2024 | by Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.


Entelechy as a Guiding Force Within

There is an inherent life force within guiding us to become who we are meant to be. This inherent force, or entelechy, guides our inherent potential to become realized, or self-actualized, in the world. DNA, the template or blueprint of our physical self, is not enough to program us to become our true essence. Our entelechy presides over our evolution. This may be a way the spiritual and physical realms are inextricably connected and work together.  Perhaps our entelechy is an expression of our unique divine magnificence.

There is an entelechy that guides the DNA blueprint of the acorn to become an oak tree. There is an entelechy within the caterpillar to become a butterfly. There is an entelechy within a basil seed to become a basil plant. The DNA is the blueprint, but there is a guiding force or energetic field that plays a role in initiating the process of becoming. This guiding force represents the environment, surroundings, conditions and influence under which the potential becomes actualized.

Entelechy, from the Greek word entelecheia, is that which creates reality from potential. This concept and its use as a metaphysical term likely originated with Aristotle, who considered entelechy as the realization, or evolved state, of a potential concept or function. Other philosophers and thought leaders have also weighed in on what entelechy is. One interpretation is that entelechy is an inner motivation, inner determination, inner strength and/or inner wisdom that works through a purposeful organizing field to direct the growth to become the full potential. Inherent within us is the desire or the urgency to become our inner truest essence.

The entelechy of a human adult is already in the baby. The entelechy to become a butterfly is already in the caterpillar. Entelechy conveys a certain transformation starting from the inside, as with a caterpillar. There is something that guides the caterpillar to eat a lot of leaves before creating the cocoon and going through metamorphosis into a butterfly. There is an internal and external transformation that helps the caterpillar actualize into its true self.

Self-actualization can be a lifetime process for humans. Some thought leaders think of entelechy as a code within us, but that is not enough; the right circumstances and the right conditions are also needed. Nonetheless, the potential or entelechy to become the highest versions of ourselves is always present within us. It is our journey in life that helps guide us along the path to that highest potential. Our journey in life reveals to us our inner essence in how we respond to life—”I resonate with this and I don’t resonate with that.” Being aware of this inner guidance, this inner urging and emergent potential, is the key to self-actualization. To determine our entelechy—our true and highest potential—requires a process of self-discovery.

For more information, call 551-500-5011 or email Anne.Deatly@gmail.com.

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