Take Some Me Time, not Just Mom Time
So many moms claim that they take time for themselves, but do they? A cup of coffee or an uninterrupted phone call does not qualify as me-time—that is mom-time. It’s a nice break, but it is not quality time with ourself that can fully recharge our batteries. This is often the result of guilt over leaving the kids, house, pets and other responsibilities to a parenting partner or a sitter.
When it is not the guilt, it may be the fear. We ask, “Will this other person do things the way I do? Will I walk back into a disaster?” Remember that me-time is about time with and for ourself, not because we are looking to escape (maybe sometimes) but because if we take time to treat ourself, then we come back refreshed, with a more positive and energized outlook that allows us to do our 3 million jobs better.
Taking time for ourself allows us to de-stress and put our best foot forward for our family and ourself. The first step is to remind ourself that we cannot control everything that happens while we are gone. Life will continue, and it will be okay. The second step is to do something that we Love. Go to a movie, go on a hike, go shopping alone. Do something that is either relaxing or exciting.
Whatever we choose, we should label this time something that reminds us that it is a little gift to ourself that is well deserved. When we label something, it often feels more like a priority and we put effort into it. Not only will we see the returns, but so will our loved ones.