Feed Your Mind for Positive Outcomes
Placebos (intentionally inactive medical treatments) work because our mind is powerful enough to make changes in our thinking and in our body. If we believe we are ugly, we will eventually look in the mirror and see ourself as ugly. What we tell ourselves is hard for the mind not to believe. When we say, “I can’t lose weight,” our mind wants to accommodate and tries its hardest to help us not lose weight. We must stop saying to ourself “I am fat,” “I am unattractive,” and “I am stupid,” because we are only giving ourself a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Sometimes we are not even aware of the things we tell ourselves. Watch what you say to yourself on a daily basis. Do you say, “What a nice, kind person I am?” Even though it sounds strange to say this to yourself, why not say it? If we say it enough times, what we say is what we believe. Don’t you want a good self-image? Even if you do not believe you are attractive or interesting or worthy of what you want, if you say them to yourself often enough you will feel and believe them.
This process is like feeding your mind. If you feed it bad thoughts, you will eventually believe them and feel bad. If you feed your mind wonderful thoughts, you will eventually believe them and feel good. We all too often do not praise ourselves enough and think by doing so we are egotistical. If you are not egotistical already, you are not going to become that way by changing your thinking in a more positive way.
Habits are formed if repeated for 21 days. How many times have we heard of someone being told by their doctor that they would never walk again, and then after refusing to believe it the patient eventually walks? When the odds are against us, telling our mind that our body can accomplish what we would like it to can sometimes result in miracles. Don’t forget to not only feed your body, but also feed your mind.