Reprogram Your Mind For a Better Life
An interview with Frederick Golz, Founder of Franklin Lakes Hypnosis & Wellness Center
In our modern society, we don’t have the same kind of time that we used to. Some days can be packed with incessant activity from our first waking moment to the second our head hits the pillow. We want to live the best life possible and resolve the things that hold us back quickly with a magic pill. We don’t have five years to spend in therapy to get over a simple phobia, resolve traumatic memories, anxiety or depressing thoughts.
Newly developed techniques in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy are being used to produce rapid changes in many psychological issues that have previously taken years to resolve in traditional therapy. In addition to resolving conditions like deeply rooted emotional issues, the combination of NLP and hypnotherapy can help people improve in just about any area of life, even the things they already excel at.
Why doesn’t hypnosis always seem to work?
Sometimes I take my clients food shopping. Why? If you hypnotize someone and give them the desire to eat healthy but they don’t know what eating healthy actually consists of, they will not be able to carry out the suggestion. Therefore, no change will be produced. There are often many other factors that go into success than just “getting hypnotized” or doing some techniques. My methods are different because I recognize things that many therapists don’t, and I will go to any lengths necessary to produce change within a client.
How do your techniques differ from traditional talk therapy or standalone hypnosis?
I combine two extremely powerful change modalities known as hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In the early days of psychology, psychologists studied groups of people who have problems. Their thought was that by finding out more about the problems, they would be able to fix the problems. The creators of NLP on the other hand, studied groups of people who got over their problems, rather than people who still have problems. They found out what those people did to conquer their problem, and then created techniques to install those mental processes into people who still had problems. That process is known as “modeling” and is one of the core principles of NLP.
Also, oftentimes talk therapies are designed to not influence the client directly and allow you to talk about your problems, where they started and very often relive them. That sounds like the worst form of torture to me. With NLP, none of that is necessary. We are able to quickly reprogram old patterns, sometimes in under 10 minutes. NLP has become famous for the “Fast Phobia Cure”, which can often be done in approximately three minutes. You’re afraid of spiders? Your hate needles? Imagine not having that fear after a 10-minute session. Some of these changes are incredible. In hypnotherapy we are also reprogramming, but by using slightly different techniques. Imagine quickly getting rid of anxiety, traumatic memories or procrastination. We are able to quickly access a focused and relaxed state of mind, similar to meditation, in which we can directly access and change the programs of the subconscious mind by giving suggestions and commands to the center of your mind.
What is the value of changing at a subconscious level?
It is often said that we only use approximately 10 percent of our brains consciously. That means that the other 90 percent of our brain activity is subconscious. Do you have to tell your heart to keep beating while you sleep at night? No. It just happens naturally. How often are you actually aware of the fact that you are breathing? The reason is because those functions are governed by the subconscious part of your mind. The subconscious mind is also responsible for how we feel and what we attract, as well as behavioral habits and emotional patterns. As human beings, we have acquired many of our individual subconscious patterns by default through childhood and as we’ve evolved through the years.
Very few people are able to influence or change their subconscious patterns on their own to achieve a desired, lasting change. NLP and hypnotherapy are the two most effective methods to create change at a subconscious level.
For more information, call Franklin Lakes Hypnosis & Wellness Center at 201-644-6648 or visit