How to Prepare for Marriage While You’re Single
Recent studies show that more than 50 percent of U.S. marriages end in divorce. What if there was a way to reduce divorce rates and increase the rate of marriage success before trouble strikes at home? In fact, what if individuals could set themselves up for happy, healthy marriages before they are even married—when they’re still single and dating? Actually, they can! Here are three simple steps singles can take to prepare for a fulfilling, lifelong partnership.
1. Assess Marriage Readiness
Prepare for marriage by seeking a high level of self-awareness. Take responsibility for personal habits in relationships, including communication skills and emotional maturity. Additionally, assess and shift patterns of self-criticism or low self-esteem. It really is true that loving oneself must come before loving another.
2. Create a Clear Marriage Vision
Lack of clarity about what one needs from a partner is the number one reason people enter into relationships that ultimately don’t end up meeting those needs. This is often overlooked in the dating world, where chemistry and attraction cloud even the most rational person’s judgment. Get crystal clear on personal emotional needs—such as what is to be respected, valued and cherished. Commit to dating only those potential partners that demonstrate they can meet those needs.
3. Take Action
Finding a life partner is a goal. As such, it requires time and energy directed towards it. Most of us have been fooled into believing that if a relationship is “meant to be”, it will just happen. This is just not so. Carve out time every week for dating and utilize all available dating venues (including online and offline dating). This will dramatically lessen the time it takes to find that special someone.
Of course, if finding a life partner continues to be a struggle, seek support from a qualified professional, such as a relationship coach or psychotherapist, to learn how to create a healthy, happy relationship.