Ending Our Awe-inspiring Marriage
While discussing the finer points of writing publisher letters with our editor, he mentioned that a publisher will typically reveal things about their personal life—keep in mind that Natural Awakenings is a national publication with 95 independent franchises across the USA and Puerto Rico. Our editor works with 20 of those publishers each month.
The male half of your Bergen/Passaic Natural Awakening publishing team tends to be a bit preachy, typically not revealing much about himself in lieu of occupying more time on the soapbox. So what would you like to know? This year, Pat and I sold a 65-seat Thai restaurant located in Parsippany that we owned and operated together since 2007 when it first opened. We also operated a 20-seat Thai restaurant in Bloomfield for two-and-a-half years after we got married in 2004. Pat launched that restaurant in January 2002.
Pat is an awesome chef. Yes, her cuisine inspires awe. She’s also a pretty damn good healer. Her career path changed a while back when she started to look for something to “fall back on” after she got out of the restaurant trade. Little did she know when she began her search that her true calling was in the healing arts. Four healing modalities and a certification in The Four Winds Society’s shamanic studies later, Pat is relieving numerous clients of all sorts of issues and disorders.
Pat and I are newly separated after 10-plus years of marriage. Don’t email us your condolences just yet. We’re engaged in a very loving, and I would go as far as to say nurturing, divorce. We’ll be good friends for the rest of this life and beyond. After all, we’re both emotionally healthy adults who realize the benefits of not duking it out with attorneys.
Starting next month, I will be doing a podcast (Internet radio show) with this cool chick I met in March. She’s a life and leadership coach. God only knows that I can use some coaching. Perhaps she’ll be instrumental in assisting me to get my act together beyond the improvements that Pat has already facilitated in our amazing, awe-inspiring marriage. Life is good.