Reclaim Your Magic
Make Your World Wondrous Again
by Paige Leigh Reist
We are all born with magic, but somewhere along the way, life tends to stomp it out of us. When we are living in our magic, we become curious, passionate and energetic. We thrive. Here are five ways to begin to reclaim our own special vibrancy.
1. LIVE WITH EARTH’S CYCLES Our planet teaches by example how to live in harmony with the seasons. Rest in the winter, awake to new beginnings in spring and rejoice in summer’s bounty. Give extra thanks in autumn. Live by and with the land, and watch how goodness magically blooms into being.
2. EXERCISE INTUITION Trusting in our intuition is generally discouraged from a young age. We’re taught to ignore it in favor of logic, following social scripts and displaying expected behaviors. We’re told whom to look to for answers, definitions of right and wrong and true and false, and that grown-ups always know best.
A powerful way to counteract this conditioning is to come to trust ourselves. Intuition is like a muscle—the more we use it, the more powerful it becomes. The spiritual “still small voice” won’t lead us astray.
3. COMMUNE Speaking our truth is transformative. To be heard, validated and supported is a powerful catalyst of personal growth and supports self-worth. Whenever possible, make time to meet with kindred spirits and share personal stories, wisdom and struggles around the proverbial fire.
4. CELEBRATE Spend time thinking about what it is that comprises the essence of oneself and celebrate it—that is where magic lives.
Often, the qualities that carry our magic may have been put down. Sensitivity can be considered weakness. Determination might be termed stubbornness. But if we unabashedly love and celebrate these qualities in ourself, we begin to re-conceptualize them as sources of strength and power, and magic seeps through.
5. STOP ACCEPTING THE MUNDANE Let go of anything that does more to limit rather than propel progress. Review media habits, relationships, jobs and character traits, and be ruthless in pruning what needs to go.
Try to interact only with people, activities and things that produce glowing feelings of inspiration, fulfilment and buzzing vitality. Assess habits honestly and choose meaningful substance over comfort, ease and familiarity.
Paige Leigh Reist is a writer from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, who blogs at
Image: AdrianCK/