Science and Spirituality: A New Story
By Dr. Jude Currivan
Throughout the ages, the spiritual wisdom and experiences of shamans, sages, seers and pioneering scientists have led them to understand the unified nature of reality.
Mainstream science has upheld that the separate and material appearance of the universe is its essential nature, and that consciousness arises from the brain as an evolutionary outcome. However, new evidence—from physics to biology and complex social systems—is showing that this view is completely wrong.
This evidence is revealing that digitized information, the basis for our communication technologies, is exactly the same as universal and meaningful information, which literally “in-forms” the appearance of the physical world. Demonstrating that information is more fundamental than energy-matter and space-time, these discoveries suggest that our universe is more a great thought than a great thing, and that mind and consciousness aren’t something we have, but what we and the whole world are.
Just as we combine letters of our alphabet to express meaning in words and songs, the universal alphabet of ones and zeroes illustrate the thoughtful appearance of our entire universe. This new story empowers us to harness our communal wisdom, and inspires us to realize that we are microcosmic co-creators in its evolutionary impulse.
Jude Currivan, Ph.D., is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist and author. Read more about her at