CrainoSacral Therapy for TMJ and Other Dental Issues
Between 10 and 35 million people suffer from temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) and muscle disorders. Common symptoms include pain and aching in the jaw joint; difficulty opening the mouth without discomfort; clicking or popping when the mouth is being opened and closed; jaw can lock when opened wide; headaches; earaches; ringing in the ears and teeth sensitivity when no other dental problem can be found.
Finding the cause of TMJ can sometimes be complicated and may be related to both physical and psychological issues related primarily to stress. Grinding teeth and jaw clenching are common physical signs, and stress itself can result from numerous factors. Physiological stress might include poor posture, short leg and/or organ dysfunctions. Psycho-emotional stress can be due to frustrations, trauma and harbored destructive anger. Environmental conditions like disruptive working environment, polluted air that we breathe and electromagnetic pollution can produce stress.
There can be genetic factors and arthritis involved, as well as jaw and head trauma injuries. Habits such as leaning on the chin or clenching or grinding teeth while lifting weights or other heavy objects on the job can create connective tissue problems or erosion of disk cartilage in the joints. Rarely, there can be even some small tumor or cancer of the joint or mouth that may be linked.
CranioSacral Therapy is an alternative choice for effectively treating TMJ pain. Using gentle hand pressure to facilitate the skeleton and connective tissues, especially the skull and sacrum, a large, triangular bone at the base of the spinal column, restrictions can be removed and freedom in the movement of cranial bones, spinal column and associated soft tissues can then stimulate the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid.
As the fluid flows throughout the spinal column and brain, it gives off a rhythmic pulse that a skilled practitioner can detect and improve. The systems of the body depend on this fluidity, and once a clear path for flow falls in line via the removal of restrictions, healing can take place.
Catherine Perman, LMBT, CMLDT, owns and operates Body Therapeutics, in Fort Lee, specializing in integrative body balancing treatments. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 917-701-1162, email or visit