
Health Briefs Genetically altered food

Published on July 31st, 2020 | by Dian Freeman


Genetically Altered Foods

When it comes to food choices today, the question might be not which meats and veggies will best build the immune system, but what is the origin of those products. There is an ongoing debate about the quality of organically grown foods that questions if they are worth the extra expense.

The debate over organic food versus corporate farmed food is in part fueled by the mainstream food industry, which feels threatened by the growing number of consumers that prefer to buy organic. The bottom line is that if we want to build our immune system and balance our health, organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) foods are the best way to do so.

Organic foods are grown without pesticides, have no chemical additives, antibiotics or hormones. These are good reasons to buy organic, but the main reason is that these foods are not genetically altered.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a mandate to protect us from dangerous foods and drugs. However, many people feel that this mandate is being disregarded when it comes to our food. The FDA has ruled that we need not be told which of our foods have been genetically altered or which animals have been fed genetically altered feed because people would not buy these untested “Frankenfoods”.

If we want to get the full health benefits from our food, choose the freshest, unprocessed, organic foods possible. Our health depends upon it.

Dian Freeman is a certified holistic health counselor certified in clinical nutrition in private practice in Morristown, NJ. She teaches a six-month nutritional certification course and may be reached at 973 267-4816, Dian2@wellnesssimplified.com or visit WellnessSimplified.com.

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About the Author

Dian Freeman, in private practice in Morristown, NJ, teaches a six-month nutritional certification course and has certified more than 700 graduates in holistic health over the last 14 years. Is completing a doctorate in medical humanities at Drew University. For more information, call 973 267-4816 or visit WellnessSimplified.com.

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