Cranberry Sauce With Maple Syrup
Delicious maple syrup, orange juice, cinnamon and cranberries are boiled down to a syrupy, slightly sweet and spicy sauce. The cranberries “pop” under the heat and give this side dish a gorgeous ruby color.
Yield: 2 cups
12 oz whole fresh cranberries or 1 package
¾ cup real maple syrup
½ cup water
½ cup orange juice freshly squeezed or store bought
1 cinnamon stick
Take the cranberries and place into a large sieve. Pick out any berries that look damaged (black spots, mushy, white). Wash and drain.
Pour the cranberries into a medium-large pot. Add the maple syrup, water and orange juice. Stir to combine. Place the cinnamon stick in the center.
Heat the berries on medium-high heat until the mixture reaches a boil. Then, lower the heat to medium-low and simmer for 10-12 minutes or until syrupy and richly red. You will hear the cranberries “pop” as they cook; don’t be alarmed.
Remove the pot from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Store in a covered container in the fridge.
Serve at room temperature or slightly warmed.
Reprinted from Straight to the Hips, Baby/Jessie-Sierra Ross.