The Physical and Spiritual Realms are Inextricable
The physical realm and the invisible realm are inextricable, which means they can’t be separated. Most humans are unaware of this fact, although those seeking this understanding are discovering this truth. For millennia, humans have achieved a level of understanding which has allowed the transmission or infusion of energies. We tend to think in terms of energy transmissions from Heaven to Earth, but not the other way around. The truth is that it is a two-way communication. We, or the physical realm, needs the spiritual realm, and the spiritual realm needs the physical realm. They are like different sides of the same coin or different polarities of the same magnet. One side does not exist separately without its opposite.
This simple realization of how the universe really works helps us to understand the oneness of the universe instead of the separation. Separation is the illusion that we, or our egos, create. There is an interdependence that we learn as we progress on our spiritual journeys to be the best versions of ourselves and start living from our soul rather than our ego. It we can understand this interdependence, we can reach an understanding of the natural impossibility of division between the spiritual and physical realms of existence.
Furthermore, we understand our necessity and our value to how the universe really works effectively through us. This new awareness leads to the understanding our self-worth to the universe, which opens the door to understanding our magnificence in the universe.
Once we get this understanding, it helps us to change our way of being in the physical world. We realize the physical world aspirations are not the same as the spiritual realm aspirations. We start seeing ourselves and each other as the divine souls we were created to be. We start seeing ourselves and each other through the lens of the heart—offering love and compassion.
Our vibrational frequency and our levels of consciousness can now become the focus of our lives, rather than climbing corporate ladders and amassing wealth and possessions. We begin to realize that our ladders have been on the wrong wall. We are trying to get somewhere that is not necessarily helpful to the universe in terms of raising the vibrational frequency of the whole universal consciousness. Once we realize that we each play a role in the vibrational frequency of the universe, we change and work toward the greater good of the oneness.
Contact Dr. Anne Deatly at 201-925-1046 or