Functional Medicine: Who Needs It?
Fact: Many providers of alternative/holistic/functional medicine do not participate in insurance networks. Some physician visits are covered by out-of-network benefits, but overall, anyone seeking medical treatment, healing, or wellness services outside the traditional medical system can expect that some out-of-pocket expenses will be involved. So: Is holistic treatment worth the extra investment, and if so, exactly why? What is so uniquely different about this approach?
- In general, the holistic provider will listen carefully to the many details that contribute to your health “profile” There is an interest in diet, exercise, and the social/ psychological/environmental realities that are part of your daily life. You will not likely have a 5- or 10-minute quick session; you’ll have an hour devoted to your discussion.
- The treatments are in-depth, and in addition, take considerable time and effort to accomplish. Patient education on a variety of topics, including lifestyle, diet, supplements, and various physical modalities are all part of a comprehensive treatment
- You will work with the holistic provider as part of a team coming up with everything from the diagnostic plan to the treatment plan as a duo, and then over time, you will continue to be coached by your provider to carry out your plan effectively.
- In creating solutions every effort will be made to use options that are safe, non-invasive, and do not cause new problems while they “work”. Although pharmaceutical solutions are not ruled out, their use is limited and typically not first line. Pharmaceutical drugs have their place, but conservative, minimal use can prevent unnecessary and potentially serious complications.
- A significant level of commitment is necessary to achieve the results promised by holistic medicine. as resolution of problems does take time, and many answers are not often achieved via quick fix. Unfortunately, the supplements, upgraded food, and the functional tests are not well covered even by the best insurance.
The goal is to improve or restore function back to its pre-disease state, to prevent the evolution of disease and find deep, permanent, and hopefully non-pharmaceutical solutions.
Alternative physicians place a priority on finding the “root causes” of presenting symptoms. The name of a “disease” or condition is less important than the underlying deficiencies or excesses in the body that create health issues. By focusing on the root causes of our physical or emotional symptoms, several remarkable benefits are derived: – more permanent solutions are achieved – future health is safeguarded from new issues associated with any imbalances that had existed – long term use of medications can be avoided, and dosages can be reduced or eliminated.
Surely if these functional medical services were covered fully by insurance as they should be, few would likely reject the many upsides of this approach (although admittedly some might still prefer a quick-if only-modestly-effective fix.) But under the current circumstances, is it worth paying out-of-pocket for holistic/ functional health care, and taking the time to achieve deeper, longer lasting results? This is entirely a personal question for anyone contemplating a shift to non-traditional medicine.
Fact: Without solid mental, physical, and spiritual health, life simply cannot be enjoyed to its fullest. So, if experiencing the richness of life throughout one’s lifespan is a true priority, the many benefits of holistic/ functional medicine should be strongly considered.
Robin Ellen Leder, M.D. has been providing functional/ holistic medical care in her Hackensack office for over 30 years since she initially did a mentorship working with Dr. Robert Atkins, famous for the Atkins Diet. Using this approach, she has assisted thousands of patients with a wide range of medical conditions to live healthier, happier lives with minimal use of pharmaceutical drugs. Learn more at