Seven Compelling Reasons to Use a Fitness Trainer
by Maria Karameros
Fitness trainers are not just for celebrities that need quick results for a film role or novice exercisers that have no idea how to start on the road to physical fitness. In fact, just like therapists often have their own therapist, fitness trainers often have a trainer to assist them with attaining the most effective workout. The benefits gained by working out with a personal trainer are often the difference between actually getting fit and failing to do so.
Many of us plan to work out on a regular basis, but if that little voice in the back of our head has a tendency to want to sleep later, go shopping or distract ourselves with other entertainment, it is probable we may just fall victim to those bad habits. However, if we have made an appointment with a trainer, especially if we paid for it, we will be much more likely to stay committed to the workout regimen.
From novices to experts, there is always something to learn from having another person’s perspective on fitness. More importantly, most people that exercise regularly still have plenty to learn about the dynamics of fitness, such as how and why muscles get bigger and stronger, how to achieve a fat-burning state or how to avoid the dreaded fitness plateau. A trainer can also introduce new techniques or exercises. To provide even more valuable knowledge, some trainers are qualified to give nutritional advice.
Setting Goals
Anyone can say they want to lose 10 pounds this month and turn their spare tire into a six-pack, but most people are not able to actually do it. On the other hand, a fitness trainer can work with clients to set realistic goals. Having an expert along when dreaming of our future fitness can help to reel in wild fantasies or risky plans like starving and running a marathon and help to create concrete, attainable goals such as losing a few pounds of fat this month, gaining some muscle and being able to run longer distances, easier and faster.
Perfecting Form
Good form is so important to exercise that if even the simplest of exercises is performed in bad form it can not only be ineffective, but even cause an injury. Trainers demonstrate proper technique and form for each exercise their clients engage in while also being there to point out when the client goes astray. Looking in the mirror can only do so much.
Motivation, as in finding a way to make us do something, id similar to accountability, but it is not just about showing up, but about effort. If we are lifting weights alone, we may likely stop as soon as we feel any fatigue, but if there is a trainer standing by saying how well we are doing and trying to challenge us, when, we are much more likely to do another rep or even another set. A little praise can go a long way.
Mental Health
Exercise is widely known to improve mental well-being by way of increased feelgood endorphin production, and a trainer can help make exercise more effective while acting as unofficial therapist. Besides just having another person to talk to for support, a trainer may notice and comment on changes in stress levels, fatigue or appearance that could hint at a need for some help.
Personalized Training/Safety
Many people have an idea of what they want to achieve, but most probably don’t realize the best and safest ways to do so. For example, someone with high blood pressure and bad knees wants to get more fit. That person may just join a gym and workout on machines that could do them more harm than good. With the knowledge a trainer can provide, they would discover there are low-impact exercises for the knees and that there are some exercises they should avoid for their upper body because of high blood pressure. Trainers can be a guardian that helps prevent injuries, as well as respond quickly should any health challenges arise while working out.
George Miranda, a partner and trainer at OnPoint Fitness Studio, in Teaneck, says, “Fitness trainers are instruments that allow us to derive the maximum benefit from the time and effort we spend working out. Most people have no idea what they’re doing when they purchase a typical gym membership, and this unfortunately has an effect on a person’s confidence and morale in the gym. This is why most people typically stop working out after a month or two. Trainers, on the other hand, empower their clients by tailoring the most effective workout for the clients’ body type, fitness level and even personality. We empower our clients by enabling them to achieve noticeable results quickly, and that in itself is perhaps the key motivating factor that gets them to stick to their workout regimens. Basically, they start to like what they see in the mirror. There’s perhaps no motivating factor more effective than that.”
One longtime proponent of physical fitness is local Chiropractor and Licensed Acupuncturist Dr. Steve Lavitan, of A Sterling Clinic, in Teaneck. He states, “For a moment forgetting everyone but patient number one, myself, without using a trainer, the level of fitness I have achieved would be impossible. The vast majority of people can only reach their fitness potential the same way. You and the trainer become greater than inertia.”
Natural Awakenings readers receive a free introductory session for a limited time. OnPoint Fitness is located at 409 Cedar Lane, in Teaneck. For appointments, call 201-357-5935. For more information, visit
Maria Karameros is a contributing writer for Natural Awakenings magazine.