Relationships in the Time of COVID-19
by Marina Maurino
COVID-19 is forcing many changes, but we can learn to flow with them to create peace in ourselves and with others by making different choices. We can choose to deeply feel the truth of our feelings, accept what is and let go—just surrender. This is a very important time to know that we have a choice in how we perceive what is happening and how we choose to live through it.
We can get stuck in fear or we can be centered and at peace. With the isolation and challenges of the pandemic, we have all had bouts of stress. Yet, it is an extraordinary opportunity to go within as an individual and in our personal and family/friend relationships, even as we may be struggling with health, finances and fear. We can choose to look for the proverbial silver lining. It may be an outcome of being forced into this isolation that we learn about deep intimacy, about soul connection, about what is really important to us, about how important our dear ones are to us and about what values we truly cherish. If we generally live very busy lives, we can end up tired and disconnected, offering little more than merely cohabitating with our family rather than truly cherishing and enjoying our time together.
Right now, each of us has the choice to see things differently. We can use this time to enhance our connection and enrich our time spent together, finding the deeper parts within ourselves and sharing them with our partner or loved ones. We can learn to be more vulnerable.
Some people are already finding a deeper appreciation and respect for each other that makes us happy and healthy. For others, this possibility for more intimacy may be threatening. Life is precious and all too short. Take the opportunity to get to know the people we are with in a much deeper way. Ask intimate questions that we’ve never asked before. Don’t forget that intimacy is about who we really are.
Marina Maurino is a psycho-spiritual teacher/ therapist who integrates psychology, spiritual principles and an energy-based perspective with her clients. For more information, call 201-967-9377 or visit